Wheat Flour Mica
The company "Mika" is a well-known Ukrainian company in the flour industry. The company was established in 1992 and has an excellent reputation for producing high quality flour. Mika offers a variety of flour varieties to meet the needs of different customers. Here is some information about Ukrainian "mica" flour:
  1. High quality:

    Wheat is carefully selected to produce “mica” flour, and it is processed and milled with the latest technology to obtain high quality.
    Flour is tested regularly to ensure that it meets high health and nutritional standards.
    Mica flour is characterized by its pure white color, soft texture and good swelling ability.

    Product variety:

    Mica offers a wide range of flour types to suit various kitchen uses.
    The product range includes whole wheat flour, white wheat flour, cake flour, pizza flour, bread flour, and more.
    Different formulations are also available in terms of protein percentage and wheat quality to meet the diverse needs of customers.

    Multiple uses:

    Mica flour can be used in preparing a variety of foods and baked goods, such as bread, pastries, cakes, biscuits, pizza, and others.
    Flour is characterized by its ability to deal with the processes of kneading, fermentation and baking effectively, which helps to obtain perfect results.

    Commitment to quality and safety:

    Mida is committed to high quality standards, ensures product safety and implements strict quality and food safety control procedures.
    The company tries to meet customer expectations and constantly improve its products through research, development and adoption of the latest technologies in the flour industry.

    Ukrainian “mica” flour can be used to prepare delicious and delicious dishes, and is an excellent choice for both professional and amateur chefs.